Algonquian Components Bibliography
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This is a collection of resources used in the Nisinoon project to collect data on derivational morphemes in Algonquian languages. It was compiled by Monica Macaulay (University of Wisconsin-Madison) and Hunter Lockwood (Myaamia Center, Miami University) with the help of Savana Stauss, Anushri Kartik-Narayan, Rachel Fedorchak, and Eleanor Sand.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. BCS-1953103.
You can cite this bibliography using the following model:
Macaulay, Monica & Hunter Thompson Lockwood. 2024. Algonquian Components Bibliography. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5115261.
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Total references: 487
- Ahenakew, Freda. 1984. Text-Based Grammar in Cree Language Education. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba. (PhD Thesis.) (view file)
- Ahenakew, Freda & Wolfart, H.C. 1983. Productive Reduplication in Plains Cree. In Cowan, William (ed.), 14th Algonquian Conferencce, 369–377. Ottawa: Carleton University Press. (view file)
- Armoskaite, Solveiga. 2010. On Intrinsic Transitivity of Blackfoot Root Verbs. In Rogers, Beth & Szakay, Anita (eds.), Proceedings of WSCLA, vol. 15, 60–69. The University of Ottawa. (view file)
- Armoskaite, Solveiga. 2011. The Destiny of Roots in Blackfoot and Lithuanian. University of British Columbia. (PhD Thesis.) (view file)
- Armoskaite, Solveiga & Junker, Marie-Odile. 2013. East Cree Nominalizations: Negotiating Category. In Macaulay, Monica & Noodin, Margaret & Valentine, J. Randolph (eds.), Papers of the Algonquian Conference, vol. 45, 1–14. (view file)
- Arppe, Antti & Harvey, Chris & Junker, Marie-Odile & Valentine, J. Randolph. 2018. Algonquian Verb Paradigms: A Case for Systematicity and Consistency. In Macaulay, Monica & Noodin, Margaret (eds.), 47th Algonquian Conference. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press. (view file)
- Arppe, Antti & Junker, Marie-Odile & Torkornoo, Delasie. 2017. Converting a Comprehensive Lexical Database into a Computational Model: The Case of East Cree Verb Inflection. 2nd Workshop on the Use of Computational Methods in the Study of Endangered Languages, 1–5. Honolulu: Association for Computational Linguistics. (view file)
- Arppe, Antti & Schmirler, Katherine & Harrigan, Atticus & Wolvengrey, Arok. 2020. A Morpho-Syntactically Tagged Corpus for Plains Cree. In Macaulay, Monica & Noodin, Margaret (eds.), 49th Algonquian Conference, 1–21. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press. (view file)
- Arppe, Antti & Schmirler, Katherine & Silfverberg, Miikka & Hulden, Mans & Arok, Wolvengrey. 2019. Insights from Computational Modeling of the Derivational Structure of Plains Cree Stems. In Macaulay, Monica & Noodin, Margaret (eds.), 48th Algonquian Conference, 1–19. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press. (view file)
- Aubin, George F. 1975a. The Edison Insight and the Williams Materials. In Cowan, William (ed.), Papers of the Algonquian Conference, vol. 6, 180–195. Ottawa: National Museums of Canada. DOI: 10.2307/j.ctv16x92.12. (view file)
- Aubin, George F. 1975b. A Proto-Algonquian Dictionary (Mercury Series). Vol. 29. Ottawa: National Museums of Canada. DOI: 10.2307/413139. (view file)
- Aubin, George F. 1978. Toward the Linguistic History of an Algonquian Dialect: Observations on the Wood Vocabulary. In Cowan, William (ed.), Papers of the Algonquian Conference, vol. 9, 127–137. Ottawa: Carleton University. (view file)
- Aubin, George F. 1991. Comments on Some Demonstratives in Golden Lake Algonquin. In Cowan, William (ed.), Papers of the Algonquian Conference, vol. 22, 1–10. Ottawa: Carleton University. (view file)
- Aubin, George F. 1994. A Look at the Ojibwa Vocabulary of Baudry des Lozières. In Cowan, Wiliam (ed.), Actes du Congres des Algonquinistes, vol. 25, 1–12. Ottawa: Carleton University. (view file)
- Aubin, George F. 2004. Number Terms in Three Old Algonquin Manuscripts. In Wolfart, H. Christoph (ed.), Papers of the Algonquian Conference, vol. 35, 13–34. Winnipeg: Univeristy of Manitoba. (view file)
- Bakker, Peter. 1994. Is John Long’s Chippeway (1791) an Ojibwa Pidgin? In Cowan, William (ed.), Actes du Congres des Algonquinistes, vol. 25, 13–31. Ottawa: Carleton University. (view file)
- Bakker, Peter. 2006. Algonquian Verb Structure: Plains Cree. In Rowicka, G. & Carlin, E. (eds.), What’s in a Verb? Studies in the Verbal Morphology of the Languages of the Americas, 3–27. Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics. (view file)
- Bakker, Peter & Papen, Robert A. 2008. French Influence on the Native Languages of Canada and Adjacent USA. In Stolz, Thomas & Bakker, Dik & Palomo, Rosa Salas (eds.), Aspects of Language Contact: New theoretical, methodological and empirical findings with special focus on the Romancisation process (Empirical Approaches to Language Typology), vol. 35, 239–286. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. (view file)
- Baraby, A. M. 2002. The process of spelling standardization of Innu-Aimun (Montagnais). In Burnaby, Barbara Jane & Reyhner, Jon Allan (eds.), Indigenous Languages Across the Community, 197–212. Toronto: Northern Arizona University. (view file)
- Baraby, Anne-Marie & Bellefleur-Tetaut, Anne & Canapé, Louise & Gabriel, Caroline & Mark, Marie-Paule. 2002. Incorporation of Body-part Medials in the Contemporary Innu (Montagnais) Language. In Wolfart, H. Christoph (ed.), Papers of the Algonquian Conference, vol. 33, 1–12. Winnipeg: Univeristy of Manitoba. (view file)
- Barrie, Michael & Dunham, Joel. 2008. Noun Incorporation in Blackfoot. (view file)
- Barrie, Michael & Mathieu, Éric. 2012. Head Movement and Noun Incorporation. Linguistic Inquiry 43(1). 133–142. DOI: 10.1162/LING_a_00077. (view file)
- Barrie, Michael & Mathieu, Éric. 2016. Noun Incorporation and Phrasal Movement. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 34. 1–51. (view file)
- Barrie, Michael & Mathieu, Éric. 2019. Noun incorporation and phrasal movement. The Routledge Handbook of North American Languages 253–274. (view file)
- Beland, Jean Pierre. 1978. Atikamekw Morphology and Lexicon. Berkeley: University of California, Berkeley. (PhD Thesis.) (view file)
- Bever, Thomas G. 1963. Theoretical Implications of Bloomfield’s “Menomini Morphophonemics.” Quarterly Progress Report (68). 197–203. (view file)
- Blain, Eleanor. 1995. Emphatic wiya in Plains Cree. In Pentland, David (ed.), Papers of the 26th Algonquian Conference, 22–34. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press. (view file)
- Blain, Eleanor. 1998. The Role of Hierarchies and Alignment in Direct/Inverse (Plains Cree). In Pentland, David (ed.), 29th Algonquian Conference. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press. (view file)
- Blain, Eleanor. 1999. Nêhiyawêwin Nominal Clauses. In Pentland, David (ed.), 30th Algonquian Conference. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press. (view file)
- Blain, Eleanor & Dechaine, Rose-Marie. 2007. Evidential Types: Evidence from Cree Dialects. International Journal of American Linguistics 73. 257–291. (view file)
- Blain, Eleanor M. 1992. A Prosodic Look at Ojibwa Reduplication. In Pentland, David H. (ed.), Papers of the Algonquian Conference, vol. 23, 22–44. Ottawa: Carleton University Press. (view file)
- Bliss, Heather. 2010. Argument Structure, Applicatives, and Animacy in Blackfoot. In Bliss, Heather & Girard, Raphael (eds.), 13th and 14th Workshop on the Structure and Constituency of Languages of the Americas, 58–69. (view file)
- Bliss, Heather. 2014. Assigning Reference in Clausal Nominalizations. Crosslinguistic Investigations of Nominalization Patterns 85–117. (view file)
- Bliss, Heather & Gruber, Bettina. 2015. Temporal restrictions on personal pronouns: The composition of Blackfoot proclitics. Lingua 156. 175–199. (view file)
- Bliss, Heather & Ritter, Elizabeth & Wiltschko, Martina. 2012. Blackfoot Nominalization Patterns *. In Macaulay, Monica & Noodin, Margaret & Valentine, J. Randolph (eds.), Papers of the Algonquian Conference, vol. 44, 1–23. (view file)
- Bliss, Heather & Ritter, Elizabeth & Wiltschko, Martina. 2014. A comparative analysis of theme marking in Blackfoot and Nishnaabemwin. In Valentine, J. Randolph & Macaulay, Monica (eds.), Papers of Algonquian Conference, vol. 44, 10–33. Albany: SUNY Press. (view file)
- Bliss, Heather & Ritter, Elizabeth & Wiltschko, Martina. 2019. Inverse systems and person hierarchy effects. In Siddiqi, Daniel & Barrie, Michael & Gillon, Carrie & Haugen, Jason & Mathieu, Eric (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of North American Languages, 193–209. Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781315210636-8. (view file)
- Bloomfield, Leonard. 1924. The Menomini Language. In Albers, D. (ed.), Proceedings of the International Congress of Americanists, vol. 21, 336–343. Leiden [Netherlands]. (view file)
- Bloomfield, Leonard. 1925a. Notes on the Fox Language. International Journal of American Linguistics 3(2/4). 219–232. (view file)
- Bloomfield, Leonard. 1925b. On the Sound-System of Central Algonquian. Language 1(4). 130–156. (view file)
- Bloomfield, Leonard. 1927a. Notes on the Fox Language. International Journal of American Linguistics 4(2/4). 181–219. (view file)
- Bloomfield, Leonard. 1927b. The Word-Stems of Central Algonquian. Festschrift Meinhof (Hamburg), 393–402. (view file)
- Bloomfield, Leonard. 1928a. A Note on Sound-Change. Language 4. 99–100. (view file)
- Bloomfield, Leonard. 1928b. The Plains Cree Language. Atti del Congresso Internazionale degli Americanisti, vol. 22, 427–431. (view file)
- Bloomfield, Leonard. 1941. Proto-Algonquian -i’t- “Fellow.” Language 17(4). 292–297. (view file)
- Bloomfield, Leonard. 1946. Algonquian. In Hoijer, Harry & Haas, Mary R. (eds.), Viking Fund Publications in Anthropology, Vol. 6: Linguistic Structures of Native America, vol. 6, 85–129. New York: Viking Fund. (view file)
- Bloomfield, Leonard. 1958. Eastern Ojibwa: Grammatical Sketch, Texts and Word List. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press. (view file)
- Bloomfield, Leonard. 1962. The Menomini Language. New Haven: Yale University Press. (Ed. Reichardt, K. & Dyen, I. & Block, B. & Goetze, A. & Tedesco, P.) (view file)
- Bloomfield, Leonard. 1970. Menomini Morphophonemics. In Hockett, Charles F. (ed.), A Leonard Bloomfield Anthology, 351–362. (view file)
- Bloomfield, Leonard. 1975. Menominee Lexicon. Milwaukee: Milwaukee Public Museum Press. (Ed. Charles F. Hockett.) (view file)
- Boissard, Aubree. 2017. Voix passive et passif lexical en innu: une analyse aspectuelle et sémantique. Universite Laval. (PhD Thesis.) (view file)
- Bourcier, Andre. 2012. Essai d’analyse de trois langues polysynthétiques. l’University Laval. (PhD Thesis.) (view file)
- Bowers, Dustin & Moshagen, Sjur & Arppe, Antti & Trosterud, Trond & Lachler, Jordan. 2017. A Morphological Parser for Odawa. 2nd Workshop on the Use of Computational Methods in the Study of Endangered Languages, 1–9. Honolulu: Association for Computational Linguistics. (view file)
- Branigan, Phil. 2012. Macroparameter learnability: An Algonquian case study. (view file)
- Branigan, Phil & Brittain, Julie. 2016. East Cree Relative Root Complements as Criterial Sisters. (view file)
- Branigan, Phil & Brittain, Julie & Dyck, Carrie. 2005. Balancing Syntax and Prosody in the Algonquian Verb Complex. In Wolfhart, HC (ed.), 36th Algonquian Conference, 75–93. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press.
- Branigan, Phil & MacKenzie, Marguerite. 1999a. Binding relations and the nature of pro in Innu-aimun. In Tamanji, Pius & Hirotani, Masako & Hall, Nancy (eds.), 29th meeting of the North East Linguisti475c Society, 475–485. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press. (view file)
- Branigan, Phil & MacKenzie, Marguerite. 1999b. A Double-Object Constraint in Innu-aimun. In Pentland, David (ed.), 30th Algonquian Conference, 28–33. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press. (view file)
- Branigan, Phil & MacKenzie, Marguerite. 2001. How much syntax can you fit in a word: The grammar of Innu-aimun verbal agreement. The Workshop on Structure and Constituency in Languages of the Americas 37–52. (view file)
- Branigan, Phil & MacKenzie, Marguerite. 2002a. Altruism, A-Movement, and Object Agreement in Inuu-aimun. Linguistic Inquiry 33(3). 385–407. (view file)
- Branigan, Phil & MacKenzie, Marguerite. 2002b. Word Order Variation at the Left Periphery in Innu-aimun. In Pentland, David (ed.), 33rd Algonquian Conference, 110–119. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press. (view file)
- Brightman, Robert A. 1985. The Indefinite Possessor Prefix in Woods Cree. International Journal of American Linguistics 51(4). 353–356. (view file)
- Brightman, Robert A. 1988. The Windigo in the Material World. Ethnohistory 35(4). 337–379. (view file)
- Brittain, Julie. 1993. Two Valency-increasing Processes in Sheshatshit Innu-Aimun: Applicative and Causative Formation. Memorial University of Newfoundland. (PhD Thesis.) (view file)
- Brittain, Julie. 1999. The Distribution of the Conjunct Verb Form in Western Naskapi and Related Morpho-Syntactic Issues. Memorial University of Newfoundland. (PhD Thesis.) (view file)
- Brittain, Julie. 2003. A Distributed Morphology Account of the Syntax of the Algonquian Verb. In Burelle, Sophie & Somesfalean, Stanca (eds.), Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association, 25–39. Universite du Quebec a Montreal. (view file)
- Brittain, Julie. 2010. Root Semantics as a Determinant of Syntactic Representation: Evidence from Cree-Montagnais-Naskapi. In Valentine, J. Randolph & Macaulay, Monica (eds.), Papers of the Algonquian Conference, vol. 42, 34–55. (view file)
- Brittain, Julie & Acton, Sara. 2014. The Lexicon – Syntax Interface: Root Semantics as an Indirect Determinant of Intransitive Verb Syntax In Cree. International Journal of American Linguistics 80(4). 475–506. (view file)
- Brittain, Julie & O’Neil, Wayne. 2012. Linguistics and Ideology: a Reply to Mellow 2010. [Unpublished manuscript]. (view file)
- Brousseau, Kevin. 2009. Medials in the Historical Cree-Montagnais-Naskapi Dialect of Nehirawewin. Universite du Quebec a Montreal. (PhD Thesis.) (view file)
- Bruening, Benjamin. 2001a. Constraints on Dependencies in Passamaquoddy. 32nd Algonquian Conference 35–60. (view file)
- Bruening, Benjamin. 2001b. Syntax at the Edge: Cross-Clausal Phenomena and the Syntax of Passamaquoddy. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. (PhD Thesis.) (view file)
- Bruening, Benjamin. 2004. Two Types of Wh-Scope Marking in Passamaquoddy. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 22(2). 229–305. (view file)
- Bruening, Benjamin. 2005. The Algonquian Inverse is Syntactic: Binding in Passamaquoddy. Newark: University of Delaware. (Techreport.) (view file)
- Bruening, Benjamin. 2006. Differences between the Wh-Scope-Marking and Wh-Copy Constructions in Passamaquoddy. Linguistic Inquiry 37(1). 25–49. (view file)
- Bruening, Benjamin. 2009. Algonquian Languages Have A-Movement and A-Agreement. Linguistic Inquiry 40(3). 427–445. (view file)
- Bruening, Benjamin. 2019. The Algonquian Prefix is an Affix, Not a Clitic: Implications for Morphosyntax. Newark, ms. (view file)
- Burgess, Janet. 2009. Reduplication and Initial Change in Sheshatshiu Innu-Aimun. St. John’s: Memorial University of Newfoundland. (PhD Thesis.) (view file)
- Campana, Mark. 1998. The Thematic Properties of Algonquian Verb Roots. Kobe Papers in Linguistics 1. 1–14. (view file)
- Campana, Mark. 1999. Decomposing the Transitivity of Algonquian Verb Stems. Asian and African Language and Culture Studies 57. 33–50. (view file)
- Cenerini, Chantale. 2013. The relational form in the Cree language: A collaborative approach to understanding its use in Swampy Cree (‘N’ dialect). The Foundation for Endangered Languages, 186–188. Ottawa: Carleton University Press. (view file)
- Cenerini, Chantale. 2014. Relational Verbs: Paradigm and Practice in a Manitoba dialect of Swampy Cree. Regina: University of Regina. (PhD Thesis.) (view file)
- Cenerini, Chantale. 2018. External possessor constructions and Cree relational inflection compared. In Keizer, Evelien & Olbertz, Hella (eds.), Recent Developments in Functional Discourse Grammar, 89–129. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. (view file)
- Cenerini, Chantale & Junker, Marie-Odile & Rosen, Nicole. 2017. Mapping Dialectal Variation Using the Algonquian Linguistic Atlas. Language Documentation & Conservation 304–324.
- Clarke, Sandra. 1982. North-West River (Sheshatshit) Montagnais: A Grammatical Sketch (National Museum of Man Mercury Series). Vol. 80. Ottawa: Univeristy of Ottawa Press. (view file)
- Clarke, Sandra & MacKenzie, Marguerite. 1982. Emerging Rules in North West River (Shesha:tshi:t) Montagnais. In Cowan, WIlliam (ed.), Papers of the Algonquian Conference, vol. 13, 219–235. Ottawa: Carleton University. (view file)
- Clarke, Sandra & MacKenzie, Marguerite. 2004. Montagnais/Innu-aimun (Algonquian). In Booij, G. E. & Lehmann, C. & Mugdan, J. & Skopeteas, S. (eds.), Morphology: An international handbook on inflection and word formation, vol. 2, 1411–1421. De Gruyter Mouton. (view file)
- Collette, Vincent. 2017. Description de la morphologie grammaticale du cri de l’Est (dialecte du Nord, Whapmagoostui). Universite Laval. (PhD Thesis.) (view file)
- Conathan, Lisa. 2004. Classifiers in Yurok, Wiyot, and Algonquian. Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, vol. 30, 22–33. DOI: 10.3765/bls.v30i2.905. (view file)
- Conathan, Lisa. 2005. Arapaho Verbal Reduplication: Form and Meaning. In Wolfhart, H.C. (ed.), 36th Algonquian Conference, 95–105. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press. (view file)
- Conathan, Lisa & Wood, Esther. 2003. Repetitive Reduplication in Yurok and Karuk: Semantic Effects of Contact. In Wolfhart, H.C. (ed.), Papers of the 34th Algonquian Conference, 19–33. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press. (view file)
- Cook, Clare. 2003. A Semantic classification of Menominee preverbs. In Wolfhart, H.C. (ed.), 34th Algonquian Conference, 35–56. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press. (view file)
- Cook, Clare. 2006. Prosodic correlates of Plains Cree clause boundaries: Patterns from two speakers. In Wolfhart, H.C. (ed.), 37th Algonquian Conference, 75–101. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press. (view file)
- Cook, Clare. 2007. Distinguishing modes in Plains Cree. In Wolfhart, H.C. (ed.), 38th Algonquian Conference, 47–80. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press. (view file)
- Cook, Clare & Muehlbauer, Jeff. 2004. A Mini-Grammar of Nêhiyawêwin (Plains Cree). (view file)
- Cook, Clare & Muehlbauer, Jeff. 2010. A Morpheme Index of Plains Cree. (view file)
- Costa, David J. 1991a. Approaching the Sources on Miami-Illinois. In Cowan, William (ed.), Papers of the Algonquian Conference, vol. 22, 30–47. Ottawa: Carleton University. (view file)
- Costa, David J. 1991b. The Historical Phonology of Miami-Illinois Consonants. International Journal of American Linguistics 57(3). 365–393. (view file)
- Costa, David J. 1996. Reconstructing Initial Change in Algonquian. Anthropological Linguistics 38(2). 39–72. (view file)
- Costa, David J. 1999. The Kinship Terminology of the Miami-Illinois Language. Anthropological Linguistics 41(1). 28–53. (view file)
- Costa, David J. 2001. Shawnee Noun Plurals. Anthropological Linguistics 43(3). 255–287. (view file)
- Costa, David J. 2002. Preverb Usage in Shawnee Narratives. In Wolfart, H. Christoph (ed.), Papers of the Algonquian Conference, vol. 33, 120–161. Winnipeg: Univeristy of Manitoba. (view file)
- Costa, David J. 2003. The Miami-Illinois Language (Studies in the Native Languages of the Americas). Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. (view file)
- Costa, David J. 2007. The Dialectology of Southern New England Algonquian. In Wolfart, H. Christoph (ed.), Papers of the Algonquian Conference, vol. 38, 81–127. Winnipeg: Univeristy of Manitoba. (view file)
- Costa, David J. 2013. Borrowing in Southern Great Lakes Algonquian and the History of Potawatomi. Anthropological Linguistics 55(3). 195–233. DOI: 10.1353/anl.2013.0013. (view file)
- Costa, David J. 2016. Diminutive Nouns in Miami-Illinois. Anthropological Linguistics 58. 381–410. (view file)
- Costa, David J. 2017. Miami-Illinois Word Order. Anthropological Linguistics 59(4). 349–389. (view file)
- Costa, David J. 2020. Instrumental Nouns in Miami-Illinois. In Macaulay, Monica & Noodin, Margaret (eds.), Papers of the Algonquian Conference, vol. 49, 57–80. Michigan State University Press. (view file)
- Cowan, William. 1969. PA *a·, *k, and *t in Narragansett. International Journal of American Linguistics 35(1). 28–33. (view file)
- Cowan, William. 1973. Pequot from Stiles to Speck. International Journal of American Linguistics 39. 164–172. (view file)
- Cowan, William. 1977. xk/$þeta$k Proto-Alongquien danse le Montagnais du 17e siècle. In Cowan, William (ed.), Papers of the Algonquian Conference, vol. 8, 143–150. Ottawa: Carleton University. (view file)
- Cowan, William. 1982. A Note on Phonological Change in Ojibwa. Canadian Journal of Linguistics 27(1). 41–46. (view file)
- Cowan, William. 1983a. Marginalia Algonquiana. In Cowan, William (ed.), Papers of the Algonquian Conference, vol. 14, 321–330. Ottawa: Carleton University. (view file)
- Cowan, William. 1983b. Montagnais in the 17th Century. Anthropological Linguistics 25. 404–410. (view file)
- Cowell, Andrew & Moss, Alonzo. 2003. Arapaho Place Names in Colorado: Form, Function, Language, and Culture. Anthropological Linguistics 45. 349–389. (view file)
- Cowell, Andrew & Moss, Alonzo. 2004. The Linguistic Structure of Arapaho Personal Names. In Wolfart, H. Christoph (ed.), Papers of the Algonquian Conference, vol. 35, 61–74. Winnipeg: Univeristy of Manitoba. (view file)
- Cowell, Andrew & Moss, Alonzo. 2005. Arapaho Grammatical Sketch. Boulder: University Press of Colorado. (view file)
- Cowell, Andrew & Moss, Alonzo. 2008. The Arapaho Language. Boulder: University Press of Colorado. (view file)
- Cyr, Danielle. 1991. Algonquian Orders as Aspectual Markers: Some Typological Evidence and Pragmatic Considerations. In Cowan, William (ed.), Papers of the Algonquian Conference, vol. 22, 58–88. Ottawa: Carleton University. (view file)
- Cyr, Danielle. 1996. Grammatical Sketches: Montagnais: An Ethnogrammatical Description. In Maurais, Jacques (ed.), Quebec’s Aboriginal Languages: History, Planning and Development (Multilingual Matters), vol. 107, 174–203. Multilingual Matters. (view file)
- Dahlstrom, Amy. 1986a. Nominal Arguments and Pronominal Inflection in Fox. Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, vol. 61. New York City: Smithsonian Institution. (view file)
- Dahlstrom, Amy. 1986b. Plains Cree Morphosyntax. UC Berkeley. (PhD Thesis.) (view file)
- Dahlstrom, Amy. 1988. Independent Pronouns in Fox. In Shipley, William (ed.), In Honor of Mary Haas: From the Haas Festival Conference on Native American Linguistics, 165–194. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. (view file)
- Dahlstrom, Amy. 1993. The Syntax of Discourse Functions in Fox. In Guenter, Joshua S. & Kaiser, Barbara A. & Zoll, Cheryl C. (eds.), Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society: Special Session on Syntactic Issues in Native American Languages, vol. 19, 11–21. Berkeley: Berkeley Linguistics Society. (view file)
- Dahlstrom, Amy. 1995. Topic, Focus and other Word Order Problems in Algonquian. Voices of Rupert’s Land 1–27. (view file)
- Dahlstrom, Amy. 1997. Fox (Mesquakie) Reduplication. International Journal of American Linguistics 63(2). 205–226. (view file)
- Dahlstrom, Amy. 2000. Morphosyntactic Mismatches in Algonquian: Affixal Predicates and Discontinuous Verbs. Papers from the Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, vol. 36, 63–87. (view file)
- Dahlstrom, Amy. 2003a. Focus Constructions in Meskwaki (Fox). In Butt, Miriam & King, Tracy Holloway (eds.), LFG03 Conference, 144–163. University at Albany: CSLI Publications. (view file)
- Dahlstrom, Amy. 2003b. Owls and Cannibals Revisited: Traces of Windigo Features in Meskwaki Texts. In Wolfart, H. Christoph (ed.), Papers of the Algonquian Conference, vol. 34, 81–114. Winnipeg: Univeristy of Manitoba. (view file)
- Dahlstrom, Amy. 2009. OBJ without OBJ: a Typology of Meskwaki Objects. In Butt, Miriam & King, Tracy Holloway (eds.), LFG09 Conference, 222–239. Cambridge: CSLI Publications. (view file)
- Dahlstrom, Amy. 2013. Argument Structure of Quirky Algonquian Verbs. In King, T.H. & de Paiva, V. (eds.), From Quirky Case to Representing Space: Papers in Honor of Annie Zaenen, 61–71. Stanford: Center for the Study of Language. (view file)
- Dahlstrom, Amy. 2014. Multiple Oblique Arguments in Meskwaki. In Valentine, J. Randolph & Macaulay, Monica (eds.), Papers of the Algonquian Conference, vol. 42, 56–68. Albany. (view file)
- Daviault, Diane. 1986. La structure d’argument en algonquin. In Cowan, William (ed.), 17th Algonquian Conference, 81–92. Ottawa: Carleton University Press. (view file)
- Daviault, Diane. 1987. Un aperçu de la morphologie verbale dans la grammaire du Père Nicolas. In Cowan, William (ed.), 18th Algonquian Conference, 69–94. Ottawa: Carleton University Press. (view file)
- Daviault, Diane. 1988. Aspects of the Historical Evolution of Obviative Marking in Ojibwa. In Cowan, William (ed.), 19th Algonquian Conference, 17–29. Ottawa: Carleton University Press. (view file)
- Daviault, Diane. 1993. Explorations dans le domaine du changement diachronique en morphologie des langues algonquiennes. In Cowan, William (ed.), 24th Algonquian Conference, 97–103. Ottawa: Carleton University Press. (view file)
- Dawe-Sheppard, Audrey. 1986. The Fundamentals of Micmac Historical Morphology. St. John’s: Memorial University of Newfoundland. (PhD Thesis.) (view file)
- Dawe-Sheppard, Audrey. 1987. The Imperative/Jussive Distinction in Micmac. In Cowan, William (ed.), 18th Algonquian Conference, 95–102. Ottawa: Carleton University Press. (view file)
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